Several years ago, I wrote a Bible study for my niece, who was maybe 10 at the time. Based on her age, I thought an appropriate study would be to figure out what the Bible has to say about children—people just like her. What encouragement does the Bible have for children? What commands does the Bible have for children? What commands does the Bible have for parents who are raising children? This led to a three-part study:
Lesson 1: Children and the Kingdom of Heaven
Lesson 2: Commands to Children about Parents
Lesson 3: Commands to Parents about Children
This would be a great study to do along with your children if you are a parent or guardian. If your children are adults with kids of their own, share this study with them. Or maybe you work with kids, or you have a family with kids that you are close to, and you could use this as encouragement in your own life. Children are an important part of our community, and we as a church body are responsible for coming alongside parents to train children to follow God. We can do this best if we understand what the Bible has to say to children and parents.
Each lesson is broken up into bite-size pieces to make it more kid-friendly. Work through each lesson during the week, or cover the whole lesson in one chunk. You can modify it as needed to fit your schedule.
I hope this study is an encouragement to you!
Premium Resources
Journal sheets and PowerPoint presentations are available for each lesson.
You can access these resources here: Premium Resources