ANNOUNCING: Making Time for What Matters: Prioritizing Daily Bible Reading in a Busy World
I’m so excited to share with you a new direction for Grounded in the Bible! In addition to the FREE weekly Bible studies that I will continue to publish, I will now be offering courses to help you develop your own discipleship habits. With a brand like Grounded in the Bible, I thought the best place to start would be with a Bible reading course!
This mini course is the first in a series of three courses about developing a daily Bible reading habit. It gives you principles for understanding your mindset about Bible reading and helps you get in the habit of opening your Bible and reading it each day, even if it is for a short amount of time. The goal is to get you to a place where opening your Bible does not feel awkward or burdensome. Instead, it feels natural and joyful.
This 4-week course will include:
One 15-20 minute video lesson each week
One activity each week (in 3 of 4 weeks) for deeper reflection
A daily Bible reading plan
One assessment each week for journaling and reflection
Intro and Conclusion videos to get you started and to wrap up the course
Weekly lessons include:
Week 1: “Big Why”: Understanding the Purpose Behind the Change
Week 2: Mindset Shift: Feeling the Need for Spiritual Nourishment
Week 3: Starting a Habit: Putting New Mindsets Into Motion
Week 4: Finding Time: Focusing on the Best
Spending time in the Bible daily is a foundational part of growing in your relationship with Christ. The Bible is where we hear from God and learn how he wants us to live. It’s where we are introduced to Jesus, the only one who can save us from our sins. If we don’t spend time in God’s word, we are likely to grow stale in our faith rather than having a growing, thriving relationship with God. So who would benefit from this course?
Christians who have been believers for a while but haven’t ever developed a daily Bible reading or devotional habit
Christians who used to be faithful in daily Bible reading but have let that habit slip away (this was me!!)
Christians who see Bible reading more as something on their “to do” list rather than something they look forward to
Christians who see Bible reading as something they “have to” do or “should” do and not what they “want” to do
Christians who are leaders in their church or other circles who might want to recommend this course as a resource to their fellow believers
New Christians who are just getting started in growing their faith
People who are curious about Christianity and want to learn more about what is in the Bible
If you fall into any of these categories, I invite you to join me in starting a daily Bible reading habit! This course makes it simple by giving you practical strategies you can implement immediately to help you take your first steps to building a daily Bible reading habit that will last a lifetime.
If you have any questions or concerns before you purchase, please feel free to reply to this email or send me a message at
I can’t wait to see you in the course! I truly believe that if you make the commitment to start a daily Bible reading habit, you will find a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with God waiting for you.
In Christ,
A little bit more on this new path of creating courses. Right now, Grounded in the Bible is a side gig/passion project for me, which means I am doing this on top of a full time job and other life responsibilities. I love it, but I do have limited time. Therefore, new courses will likely come out slowly, maybe 2-4 courses a year. If you’d like to support the work of Grounded in the Bible (all the tools needed to create courses are expensive!), but you don’t want to purchase a course or a paid subscription, consider giving a one-time donation through Ko-fi. Thank you!
Great idea!!
Karen, is this still available? I just found your substack :)