I’m so excited to share with you a couple updates that I’ve been working on for quite some time. Several months ago, I had an idea for a new logo for Grounded in the Bible. It would be a series of images, with a vine growing out of a book (the Bible), and as the vine grew through the series, the roots would wrap around the Bible. The final image would have the roots surrounding the Bible and the vine full of grapes. This was based on John 15, which talks about the vine and the branches.
Around the same time, I started to play around with AI capabilities. I tried to give it the description of the image I wanted, and the results I got were abysmal. Here’s an example:
Not really what I was wanting for a logo. Sigh.
Then that idea morphed a bit, and I decided to go with a tree instead of a vine, and the words Grounded in the Bible would make up the shape of the tree. Once again, I went back to AI. The results weren’t any better this time:
Greedfroud? What is that?!? AI may be good for some things, but it certainly wasn’t living up to my expectations for a logo.
Then I saw one of my friends, Rebecca Hofer, post on her Facebook that she was making canvases for kids to paint, and she was selling them to purchase flexible seating for her classroom. I described to her my logo idea and asked if that was something she would be able to create. Her first attempt was WAY better than anything I got from AI. Yay for human intelligence! After a few tweaks, and working with one of Rebecca’s friends to digitize the logo, this is the final product:
It’s amazing! I love it! Thank you Rebecca and AE Photography & Design for making my logo idea a reality! This logo is based on Psalm 1:1-3:
1 Blessed is the one
who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers,
2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night.
3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
whatever they do prospers.
The Christian life should bear fruit, and it will if we meditate on God’s word and delight in it. We must be Grounded in the Bible.
With this logo comes a bit of a rebranding. The Grounded in the Bible you’ve known will remain. I’ll still send out weekly Bible studies (although I will occasionally take breaks). But I will also be offering courses that will help you grow in your faith. The Bible studies that I write have some practical application in them, but generally they are more informational. They help you grow in your knowledge of the Bible and what it says to us. The courses I plan to offer will be primarily practical application - things that you can apply to your own life to develop habits that will help you grow closer to God.
The first course is titled:
Provided I can work out all the technical details (it’s been a bit of a learning curve), this course will be going live NEXT WEEK! I’m so excited to share it with you! So stay tuned!
In Christ,