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One of the greatest functions of the body of Christ is to live together in community in such a way that other people can see something different in us compared to the rest of the world. But how do we do this? What specific guidelines has God given us to pattern our lives and actions after? We got a taste of this in our Remain in Christ series, where we saw that a major part of remaining in Christ is to love one another. In this series, we’ll look at some additional “one another” or “each other” commands as well as their context to see if we can glean a little bit more about how to live as Christians.
The lessons for this study will be divided into themes to group a handful of “one another” commands together. The themes will generally be:
Lesson 2: Be kind to one another
Lesson 3: Fellowship with one another
Lesson 4: Encourage one another
Lesson 5: Serve and support one another
Lesson 6: Live with one another peacefully
Lesson 7: Do no harm to one another
Each lesson may span more than one week depending on the depth of each one. This study will take us into next year. I hope you’ll join me as we learn how to live with one another in a way that honors God.