Premium resources are bonus materials that go along with some of the studies from Grounded in the Bible. These bonus materials enhance the Bible study it accompanies.

Some posts will have a single premium resource. I will consolidate those resources here so that they are easy to find. Each single-lesson study will have a link to this resource list so that you can download each resource as needed. Resources will be listed in alphabetical order.
For multiple-lesson studies with multiple resources, those studies will have a separate resource list. A link to these resource lists are provided at the bottom of the page.
To access the resources, click on the blue links below. If the study is part of a series, this will take you to the index of premium resources for the series. If it is a single study, this link will take you to Google Drive, where you can download, save, and print the resources.
Journaling sheets can be downloaded and used now or later. They can be printed and filled in by hand or saved and filled out electronically.
Single-Lesson Studies
4 Biblical Strategies for Overcoming Anxiety: Verse Cards and Template
Is Self-Forgiveness a Biblical Concept? Journal Sheet / PowerPoint
Praying Scripture: Journal Sheet