Welcome to Songs of Scripture, where we link Scripture with the lyrics of Christian songs, worship choruses, and hymns.
Song: How Great Is Your Love
Writer: Bart Millard, Peter Kipley
Artists who have recorded the song:
Scripture verses used in lyrics:
Psalm 57:7-11
7Â My heart, O God, is steadfast,
    my heart is steadfast;
    I will sing and make music.
8Â Awake, my soul!
    Awake, harp and lyre!
    I will awaken the dawn.9 I will praise you, Lord, among the nations;
    I will sing of you among the peoples.
10Â For great is your love, reaching to the heavens;
    your faithfulness reaches to the skies.11 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens;
    let your glory be over all the earth.
Click here to read the lyrics to this song.
Do you have a favorite song that is based on Scripture? Let me know in the comments, and it may be featured in a future Songs of Scripture post!