This index specifically covers the Bible studies in the Bible Essential series. These studies are intended to grow your foundational knowledge of Biblical concepts and classic Bible stories. They are great for both beginners and those who are more advanced in their Biblical knowledge.
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Set 1: The Story of the Bible
Lesson 1: Genesis 1:1-2:3: Creation
Lesson 2: Genesis 3:1-24: The Fall
Lesson 3: Genesis 17:1-27: God’s Covenant
Lesson 4: Luke 2:1-21: Jesus’ Birth
Lesson 5: Matthew 3:13-17: Jesus’ Baptism
Lesson 6: Matthew 4:1-11: Jesus’ Temptation
Lesson 7: Luke 5:17-26: Jesus’ Ministry
Lesson 8: Matthew 26:17-30: The Last Supper
Lesson 9: Matthew 27:27-56: Jesus’ Death
Lesson 10: Luke 24:1-53: Jesus’ Resurrection
Lesson 11: Acts 2:1-47: Giving of the Holy Spirit
Set 2: Sin, Sacrifice, and Salvation
Part 1: Sin, Law, and Sacrifice
Lesson 1: Genesis 3:1-24: The Fall (from Set 1)
Lesson 2: Exodus 20:1-20: 10 Commandments
Lesson 3: Ezekiel 18:1-32: Righteous vs. Unrighteous
Lesson 4: Leviticus 4:27-35: Old Testament Sin Offering
Part 2: Jesus as the Final Sin Offering
Lesson 5: Matthew 26:36-46: Jesus in the Garden
Lesson 6: Matthew 27:27-56: Jesus’ Death (from Set 1)
Lesson 7: Hebrews 9:11-28: Jesus is the Final Sacrifice
Lesson 8: Romans 3:9-31: Jesus as the Sacrifice of Atonement
Lesson 9: Romans 5:1-11: Jesus Died for Sinners
Lesson 10: Romans 5:12-21: Jesus’ Death Brings Eternal Life
Lesson 11: Luke 24:1-53: Jesus’ Resurrection (from Set 1)
Lesson 12: Romans 6:1-14: Jesus’ Resurrection Conquers Death
Lesson 13: Romans 6:15-23: Jesus Gives Righteousness to Sinners
Lesson 14: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21: Jesus Brings Reconciliation With God
Part 3: Path to Eternal Life
Lesson 15: John 14:1-14: Jesus is the Way
Lesson 16: Acts 4:1-13: Salvation Through Jesus Alone
Lesson 17: John 3:1-21: Jesus With Nicodemus
Lesson 18: Romans 10:1-13: Salvation Requires Belief in Jesus
Lesson 19: 1 John 1:5-2:2: Confession and Forgiveness
Lesson 20: Acts 2:1-27: Giving of the Holy Spirit (from Set 1)
Set 3: Stories in Genesis
Part 1: Establishment of the Human Race
Lesson 1: Genesis 1:1-2:3 – Creation (from Set 1)
Lesson 2: Genesis 2:4-25 – Creation of Humans
Lesson 3: Genesis 3:1-24 – The Fall (from Set 1)
Lesson 4: Genesis 4:1-16 – Cain and Abel
Part 2: Noah and the Flood
Lesson 5: Genesis 6:5-22 – Noah Builds the Ark
Lesson 6: Genesis 7:1-8:14 – The Flood
Lesson 7: Genesis 8:15-9:17 – God’s Promise to Noah
Lesson 8: Genesis 11:1-9 – Tower of Babel
Part 3: Abraham
Lesson 9: Genesis 12:1-9 – God’s Promise to Abram
Lesson 10: Genesis 13:1-18 – Abram and Lot
Lesson 11: Genesis 15:1-20 – God Promises Abram a Son
Lesson 12: Genesis 16:1-16 – Hagar and Ishmael
Lesson 13: Genesis 17:1-17 – God’s Covenant (from Set 1)
Lesson 14: Genesis 18:20-19:29 – Sodom and Gomorrah
Lesson 15: Genesis 21:1-21 – Isaac and Ishmael
Lesson 16: Genesis 22:1-19 – God Tests Abraham
Part 4: Isaac and Jacob
Lesson 17: Genesis 24:32-51 – Isaac and Rebekah
Lesson 18: Genesis 25:19-34 – Jacob and Esau
Lesson 19: Genesis 27:1-40 – Jacob Receives Blessing
Lesson 20: Genesis 29:14-30 – Jacob and His Wives
Lesson 21: Genesis 29:31-30:24 – Jacob’s Children
Lesson 22: Genesis 30:25-43 – Jacob Grows Rich
Lesson 23: Genesis 35:1-20 – God’s Covenant Renewed
Part 5: Joseph
Lesson 24: Genesis 37:1-11 – Joseph’s Dreams
Lesson 25: Genesis 37:12-36 – Joseph Sold into Slavery
Lesson 26: Genesis 39:1-23 – Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife
Lesson 27: Genesis 40:1-23 – Joseph in Prison
Lesson 28: Genesis 41:1-43 – Joseph and Pharaoh
Lesson 29: Genesis 42:1-38 – Famine in Egypt
Lesson 30: Genesis 45:1-24 – Joseph and His Brothers