Praise our savior, Lord Jesus Christ.

I belong from India.

Today I want to share my deep heart burden with you, as I am going to quit my job very soon as I have always had a deep desire to serve the Lord. I worked where I could do ministry through it and get the necessary resources for family and ministry. But today it has become necessary for me to take this decision because either I have to pay bribe and stay in the job or I have to quit it and trust the Lord that he will fulfill all the needs of my life and open new paths. It has been very difficult for me to make this decision for some time, which has had a deep impact on my peace. But in all these years I have been able to see Christ working in my life and also know that he has always opened new doors for me with time. He is alive and powerful and does not let his people lack any good thing. Surely your prayers and support will help and strengthen me to take a step forward in serving Christ. dpk.uppal777@gmail.com

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Thank you for sharing your story. Sometimes God calls us to make hard choices to follow him, and it sounds like that is where you are at now. Even if it doesn't seem like it in this life, stepping out in obedience to Christ will always be the best choice. I will be praying for you!

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Thank you so much for your quick kind response at this time. Your words encourage me to go forward and Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

Psalms 23:6

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