What actions have you witnessed this week that are Christ-like?
Please share a short story of ways that you have seen others demonstrate Christ-like character. (Note: This is not intended to be a story about something you did—the focus is on seeing Christ in others.)
Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in our own little world that we fail to look for signs of Christ working in the world around us. This often leads us to believe that Christ isn’t working. I’m hoping that by consistently posing this question, it will remind us to be looking for evidence that Christ is still at work through his people. Some weeks, we may not get any stories. Some weeks, we may get a lot of stories. But I want the opportunity to always be there for you to share stories of how Christ is at work as a way to encourage Christians to stay strong in the faith.
John 13:34-35: [Jesus said] “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
This isn't something I personally witnessed, and it's not from this week, but this is a story that clearly shows that God is still at work in our world.
This isn't something I personally witnessed, and it's not from this week, but this is a story that clearly shows that God is still at work in our world.